Nevena B. Pagureva, Ph.D.
- Interfacial Properties of Natural Surfactants
- Surface and Bulk Rheology of Monolayers and Foams
- Foam Films
Most recent publications
Temperature response of sucrose palmitate solutions: Role of ratio between monoesters and diesters
Hypothesis: Aqueous solutions of long-chain water-soluble sucrose ester surfactants exhibit non-trivial response to temperature variations, revealing a peak in viscosity around 40–50 ◦C. While previous investigations have explored the structures within sucrose stearate systems at various constant temperatures, a comprehensive understanding of the entire temperature dependence and the underlying molecular factors, contributing to this phenomenon is currently missing. Experiments: Temperature dependent properties and supramolecular structures formed in aqueous solutions of commercial sucrose palmitate were examined using SAXS/WAXS, DSC, optical microscopy, rheological measurements, NMR, and cryo-TEM. Findings: The underlying mechanism governing this unusual behavior is revealed and is shown to relate to the mono- to di-esters ratio in the solutions. Solutions primarily containing sucrose monoesters (monoesters molecules ≳ 98% of all surfactant molecules) exhibit behavior typical of nonionic surfactants, with minimal changes with temperature. In contrast, the coexistence of mono- and di-esters results in the formation of discrete monodisperse diester particles and a network of partially fused diester particles at low temperature. As the temperature approaches the diesters’ melting point, wormlike mixed micelles form, causing a viscosity peak. The height of this peak increases significantly with the diester concentration. Further temperature increase leads to fluidization of surfactant tails and formation of branched micelles, while excess diester molecules phase separate into distinct droplets.

Role of surface properties for the kinetics of bubble Ostwald ripening in saponin-stabilized foams
Bubble Ostwald ripening (OR) leads to a gradual increase of the mean bubble size in foams with time. The rate of OR can be reduced significantly or even arrested completely using appropriate solid particles and/or surfactants as foam stabilizers. In the current paper, we show that saponins, a widespread class of natural surfactants, can reduce significantly the rate of OR in foams. To reveal the reasons for the reduced rate of OR in saponin-stabilized foams, we performed measurements of the rate of bubble diminishing, for single air bubbles placed below a solution surface, with a series of saponin bio-surfactants. These saponin surfactants form adsorption layers with surface elasticity, spanning a very wide range – from almost zero up to several thousand mN/m. The measured rate of bubble OR showed no correlation with the surface elastic modulus (dilatational or shear), as measured at 0.1 Hz frequency of surface oscillations. A reasonable correlation was observed only with the surface stress (deviation from the equilibrium surface tension), measured at very slow rate of surface deformation, which mimics much better the actual processes of bubble OR in foams – higher surface stress corresponds to lower OR rate. New theoretical expression, accounting for the out-of- equilibrium surface tension during bubble shrinkage and for the gas flux across the meniscus regions surrounding the foam films, was derived and used to calculate theoretically the rate of bubble diminishing. The comparison of the theoretical predictions with the experimental data shows clearly that the main reason for the reduced rate of OR in the studied systems is the high resistance to gas transfer of the saponin adsorption layers. The deviations from the equilibrium surface tension, although noticeable, have smaller effect. The complementary experiments with actual foams showed that the rate of OR is even lower (compared to the rate measured with single bubbles) which is explained with the thicker non-equilibrium foam films, formed between the neighboring bubbles in saponin-stabilized foams.

Factors affecting the coalescence stability of microbubbles
Systematic experiments are performed to determine the factors affecting the coalescence stability of microbubbles, attached to an air-water interface. We studied the effects of bubble size, surfactant concentration, presence of co-surfactants, and relative humidity of the ambient atmosphere on the lifetime of microbubbles, with diameter varied between 300 and 2000 μm. The obtained results show that the bubble lifetime depends significantly on the bubble size, when the surfactant concentration is around or below the critical micellization concentration (CMC). Bubbles with diameter below 500 μm may have a lifetime longer than 15 min, while the bubbles with diameter above 1000 μm live for less than 10 s, under otherwise equivalent conditions. The stability of bubbles with intermediate size exhibits stochastic characteristics – some bubbles are stable for more than 15 min, whereas others coalesce for less than 1 min. This significant effect of the bubble size on the bubble lifetime is explained with the different compressing pressures, squeezing the foam film surfaces, for big and for small bubbles. The effect of water evaporation from the foam films is particularly important in these systems, as it leads to much thinner and less stable foam films for the bigger bubbles. Concomitantly, the increase of the relative humidity of the ambient atmosphere leads to larger film thickness and higher stability. These effects are important when analyzing the stability of foams, containing bubbles with different sizes, and used in atmosphere with variable relative humidity.

Surface properties of adsorption layers formed from triterpenoid and steroid saponins
Saponins are natural surfactants with non-trivial surface and aggregation properties which find numerous important applications in several areas (food, pharma, cosmetic and others). In the current paper we study the surface properties of ten saponin extracts, having different molecular structure with respect to the type of their hydrophobic fragment (triterpenoid or steroid aglycone) and the number of sugar chains (1 to 3). We found that the triterpenoid saponins Escin, Tea Saponin and Ginsenosides have area per molecule in the range between 0.5 and 0.7nm2, and the adsorbed molecules are orientated perpendicularly to the interface. The comparison of the experimentally measured surface elasticities with theoretically estimated ones shows that the saponins with very high dilatational and shear elasticities (up to 2000mN/m) have molecular interaction parameter in the adsorption layers which is above the threshold value for two-dimensional phase transition. In other words, the highly elastic layers are in surface condensed state, due to strong attraction between the adsorbed molecules. Furthermore, these adsorption layers have non-linear rheological response upon expansion and contraction, even at relatively small deformation. Layers from the other studied saponins (steroids and crude mixtures of triterpenoid saponins), which are unable to form strong intermolecular bonds within the adsorption layer, have zero shear elasticity and viscosity and low dilatational elasticity and viscosity, comparable in magnitude to those reported in literature for protein adsorption layers. The comparison of the results, obtained by several independent experimental methods, allowed us to formulate the conditions under which the results from different interfacial rheology tests could be compared, despite the complex non-linear response of the saponin adsorption layers.